Friday, November 03, 2006


Have I mentioned that I love the humanities?

Seriously. There's all the joy of being able to rely on bullshit to get you through any career situation, without having to have any of the real creativity that the really professional liars (writers) do.

I'm currently in the middle of four major projects. One of these is my dissertation proposal, which is gonna be awesome because none of the people at my university of choice have done any work in it. I could make up all these damn books and they'd have no clue. Excellent. One of these projects is a conference paper about 50's B horror movies that I'm revamping so it actually matches the title when I present it next week. I really like the title. One is a conference paper I'm trying to write so I can write a proposal about it, though I guess I could always just do what I did last year, which is write a proposal for a paper that doesn't exist, then throw all the books in my runk, drive to the conference, and write the whole paper in the hotel room the day before. This one's mostly inspired by Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to work in a clip. And finally, because I have the attention span of a toaster, I'm doing some hot hot hot NaNoWriMo action. My novel is about zombies.

Academia's not just for cowards who can't face the real world. It's also for fandom refugees who finally moved out of their parents' basement but can't hang out with their old buddies any more because they "totally sold out" when they started investing all of their money in tuition rather than pewter figurines.
I figure if I stick around long enough, by the time I finish my PhD, I'll have been there long enough to get a pension. Or to inherit a bunch of money. Either way.
How do blind zombies fit in with the other zombies (always pictured a zombie walking with the long white cane and glasses)? Or the old? I mean some decrepit old lady comes lumbering towards you, arms outstretched, moaning uncontrollably (and with a foul stench), and you're likely to think she just escaped from a nursing home. And then she bites your face off. Even then, I doubt the zombie aspect of her persona would be that apparent.

Good luck on your novel.
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