Friday, December 28, 2007
Finding new things to flee.
The CowardlyAcademe hasn’t spent Christmas with family in . . . a while. My current university has a surprisingly long winter break, and I find it easier (and cheaper) to just wait until January to go see them. I’m pretty cool with this, though I wish my dad wouldn’t start crying when he calls Christmas Day.
So I was prepared for more of the same this time around, and it had been. Yesterday, I arrive, open the front door, and discover just inside the door, a pile of cat vomit. (I think. It might have been diarrhea, but I would lean towards vomit.) Ah. The cats are upset. Great. I step over the vomit and head into the kitchen for cleaning supplies and cat food.
As soon as I enter the kitchen, I know why the cats are upset. There is a bathroom right off the kitchen (“I’ll take ‘eccentric design choices’ for $200, Alex”) and it is completely trashed. I’d been told this by the owners, but forgotten – “work” is being done on their bathroom while they’re gone, and I’ve so far managed to miss the workmen. Everything is torn up and looking totally nonfunctional. So of course the cats are upset; they hate strangers and they’ve had not just a bunch of people walking in and out, but a bunch of people invading their space and making an unbelievable amount of noise.
This all takes me about three seconds to process, and I turn around to see that Huge Shaggy Black Cat has followed me into the kitchen. I have time to think, “That’s funny, he’s never done that befo-“ before he launches himself across the kitchen floor at me, screaming with rage and windmilling wildly with all four sets of claws. This is not an upset cat. This is a cat who has LOST HIS GODDAMNED MIND.
I CAN’T WAIT TO GO BACK TODAY. I want to see if he’s got like three remodelers trapped on top of the kitchen counters.