Monday, September 01, 2008


I know what he is now.

My advisor, that is. He's impossible to track down except by physically attacking him. Nearly two months ago, I sent him the chapter abstracts he asked for, and waited patiently for his response, knowing that he was busy and not wanting to bother him. (In the meanwhile, I worked on the first chapter.) Finally someone else in the program emailed both of us asking for some information on my progress.

I just received an email from him asking for some work so he can respond to that email.

He is henceforth the Black Hole, a power of such immense suck that nothing, not even hope, can escape.
Ouch! I'm glad someone is taking him to task for this mess.

Honestly, don't think of him as being too busy. Reading and commenting on your work is his job. He is being paid to do this. If he isn't doing it, he isn't doing a very important part of his job.

I once had a professor like this. I literally had to ambush him at his office before and after he taught. Otherwise, I would have never gotten him to do anything that he was suppose to do. At times I felt like a stalker, especially considering how well I knew his schedule, but it worked.
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