Saturday, October 29, 2011


My students are racist bitches

Assignment: Take a stand on an ethical position, explain why you believe it, then evaluate how good your reasons are for supporting it. "You can believe true and good things for bad reasons, people."

Response: Affirmative action is bad because it puts totally unqualified minorities in places that could have been filled by qualified members of the racial majority. My evidence that this is true is that there was once this Latina girl in my high school who got in to a private Catholic university. Everyone told her that she only got in because she wasn't white, and she dropped out after a year, so obviously, they were right.

Oh, also the paper claims that we don't need affirmative action because there are no racists left in America. The end.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Incapable of creating a writing assignment that doesn't involve trauma.

The first thing the CowardlyAcademe assigned this semester asked students to talk about their first week at the university. Responses included stories about hideously racist encounters ("Why do black people only drink cheap booze?") and being abandoned by parents. I, uh, okay.

Look, the class is based around ideas of what is appropriate and inappropriate language, so let's do a softball. Tell me an incident in which you offended somebody or somebody offended you. Quick writeup. The CowardlyAcademe was not expecting, "I hate this phrase because it's what my mom calls me when she's drunk."

There's a reason the CowardlyAcademe is not a damn guidance counselor.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


I love it when they ask the easy questions.

Student sends email:
If I am not in class on Monday, it's because I killed my roommate after she threw out a bunch of the papers I need for the course. I'm trying to figure out what to do.

Logical response:
You can still come to class. Just don't get caught.

Monday, September 01, 2008


I know what he is now.

My advisor, that is. He's impossible to track down except by physically attacking him. Nearly two months ago, I sent him the chapter abstracts he asked for, and waited patiently for his response, knowing that he was busy and not wanting to bother him. (In the meanwhile, I worked on the first chapter.) Finally someone else in the program emailed both of us asking for some information on my progress.

I just received an email from him asking for some work so he can respond to that email.

He is henceforth the Black Hole, a power of such immense suck that nothing, not even hope, can escape.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Things that are hilarious once the confusion wears off:

Putting the bread in the toaster.

Depressing the lever.

Assembling the toppings for the toast (as it is too hot to cook, you have been eating Things on Toast for a week).

Hearing the toaster pop up.

Blinking stupidly at the magically-empty toaster.

. . . oh, well, the top of the recycling bin was FAIRLY clean . . .

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Student has "the Macbeth problem"

That is, Student's writing is full of sound and fury, and signifying absolutely fuck-all. Ahem:

"To look at literature as literature is to be ever perspicacious in objectively concluding the extent to which the aesthetics of a piece achieve the goal of the writer, namely that which is contained in the predicate of such profession - craft."

Student also used "lexical" as a noun, which hurt the Cowardly Academe in a special way.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


In which geekdom is revealed

The Cowardly Academe has recently discovered that it needs to find a new apartment at an inconvenient time of year, and has started haunting craigslist ads in order to find one. Also I have spent a lot of time curled up into a small ball, whimpering. Last night, I sent off a batch of emails to places that looked okay - some to live in by myself, some being offered by people with extra rooms.

One shared one I responded to because it made me laugh pretty hard - it was for a bedroom in a place where the respondent had to be understanding because the other people hosted D&D on Saturday afternoons. I sent an email to the anonymous poster, asking some questions about the place and explaining that I currently host a weekly RPG session myself. He responded a few hours later, a response I did not receive until this morning. At which point I stared with horror at his name and responded:

"Oh, shit, you asshole. I cannot live with you. You are a former student."

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